iOS App
15 weeks
My role
iOS Developer
Tools used
Concept & background
I built this app for a Mental Health Therapist, who helps children that struggle with ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, and Anger issues. I developed the app in Swift and launched on the Apple App Store. I collaborated with an Illustrator for the animal and background artwork.
Vector animals & backgrounds
Illustrations by Sukhada Rahalkar
Game screens
Behind the scenes
Screen shot of Swift code
Screen shot of App Store Connect Analytics
Common Questions about project
I worked with a Mental Health Therapist to “game-ify” the onboarding process for children with mental health difficulties. I began by understanding the therapists challenges and researched similar games. I sketched the personalized game experience and created a prototype for feedback. Then developed and launched the app on the Apple App Store.
I worked with an Illustrator for the animals and background scenes. I developed the app in Swift programming language and Xcode IDE.
To create consistent layouts for all iPhone sizes and orientations.
To create a series of onboarding games for non-english speaking families.